Unique and Memorable Occasions For Families To Enjoy

The Team

Meet Our Team Leaders

Purple Rhino Expos and Events is a team of dedicated and passionate visionaries, planners and creators who bring to life events that matter.

I'm the Founder and Principal!!!


Namumba is responsible for strategy and marketing. She sets the tone and direction of the company. Namumba is a fun loving, tree-hugging, mother of one. With a background in information technology and risk management, Namumba is very comfortable in fast paced environments and is able to offer insights from multiple perspectives, leading the team to deliver unique, delightful events.

I'm the Co-Founder and Vice Principal – Finance!!!


David is our “money man”. He ensures that all our operations are kept within budget during delivery of outstanding events. David is not the stereotypical accountant; he has a large, diverse circle of friends and appreciates the beauty of nature and the outdoors. He is also an avid gamer, anime fan and animal lover.

Vice Principal – Digital and Aesthetics!!!


Miriam is our tech savvy webmaster and graphics designer. Miriam is an independent contractor with a background in IT as a software developer and project manager. Through her firm BizOppMentor, she makes sure our events have awesome online presence and optimize the use of digital solutions for easy, stress-free experiences. Miriam is a mother of three, she is family oriented and enjoys the outdoors.